PRABOWO SUBIANTO: The Right to Live Properly Is the Responsibility of All of Us, But the Most Important Is the Leader

Prabowo Subianto. Presidential candidate number 02, Prabowo came to attend the 26th International Disability Day event at the hotel Grand Sahid Jaya Jakarta, on Wednesday 5 December 2018.

Prabowo also shared with them the Braille version of the Indonesian Paradox book.

"We are Indonesian blind people. Thank you for the Braille version of the Indonesian Paradox book. Hopefully this book will benefit blind friends," said the representative of the Indonesian Blind Association Furqon Hidayat.

Prabowo and the Gerindra party felt the need to fulfill the contents of the Perpu Law Number 8 of 2016 concerning disability.

"Our goal is independence, our goal is to stand as a country, our goal is to have a state so that all people can be protected, that's the first goal of the opening of the Constitution," said Prabowo.

The general chairman of the Gerindra party stressed that Indonesian leaders must strive to protect and give them the right to live properly in their beloved country.

"The right to live properly is the responsibility of all of us. But especially leaders, "he explained.

Prabowo explained that he fought so that all Indonesian people had the same rights.

"Therefore, the government must really maintain the power and natural resources and economic resources in the country. Every penny, every rupiah, every source of wealth must be managed, "he explained.


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