Prabowo-Password Will Focus With Infrastructure Development Without Having To Have Debts In Indonesia

Prabowo Subianto. prabowo Subianto, presidential candidate serial number 02 vice presidential candidate pair, they will work later if elected president and vice president in the 2019 presidential election and lead this country 5 years period will promise to build good infrastructure without any debt.

Sri Mulyani as Indonesian Minister of Finance also responded to this, they greatly appreciated the focus of Prabowo-Sandi's presidential candidate regarding economic problems in Indonesia, in a country it would want the country to be healthy and economical.

"I really appreciate it very much (the effort) that President Jokowi has a commitment (creating a healthy economy and state finances) that our deficit is now being lowered, our primary balance is zero," he explained at the Ministry of Finance, Jakarta, Monday (12/12). )

"If Mr. Prabowo as a contestant also has such a commitment, it also means increasing confidence in the Indonesian economy. Because it means that in this case, Oh Indonesia has a Presidential candidate candidate who all want the state budget to be healthy and sustainable, "he explained.

The former director of the World Bank also argued that each government has its own way to develop good infrastructure without having debts here and there with the capital market, such as development, infrastructure projects, so it is a matter of SOEs to regulate plans, even local governments that have infrastructure securitization through the capital market.

The benefits, BUMN or Pemda can get fresh funds from securitization that can be used to build other infrastructure without having to owe.

Then there is funding from the APBN, APBD, Government and Business Entity Cooperation (KPBU), to the latest, namely the Government's Non-Budget Investment Financing (PINA). Development with 4 of these mechanisms is equity financing. This means that the budget does not use debt.

"So that we can get new funds which have now been carried out together with OJK so that SOEs or later regional governments if they have good infrastructure can be brought to the capital market to fill in letters or raise funds based on the infrastructure, so that he can be used and replanted for infrastructure. We will continue to improve the mechanism of such a mechanism, so that anyone can use the mechanism later, "he explained clearly.


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